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Anytime you see in blue means that I think this is an important point

Who am I?

Hi there! My name is Justin, and when I first started looking for an internship, I was just like many others: lost andunsure of where to turn for help. Fortunately, I was able to connect with some amazing people who helped guide me through the process and eventually landed me an internship at a FAANG company. Now, I want to give back and help others who may be in the same position I once was.

I've been able to provide guidance to many people who are looking to break into the FAANG world, and I'm confident that my methods are a repeatable and effective way to do so. Of course, every person's journey is different, but I hope to share my experiences and advice in a way that will be helpful to others.

This page will serve as a central hub for all of my work.

Currently work at: Meta

Previously worked at: JPMC, Amazon

Gotten FT offers at: Google, Meta, Amazon, Palantir, Bloomberg, Blizzard, Intuit, JPMC, more+

Join my Discord if you have any questions!


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Youtube


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> LinkedIn


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Instagram


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Discord


Substack Articles

I currently write substack articles that go more into depths on certain topics! Please feel free to check it out, as it might be helpful. For example, one of my favorite one is an article I write about using a “coding template” which is essentially, a framework I believe that leads me to having the most consistency in getting offers back to back for: Google, Meta, Amazon, Bloomberg, Palantir, Intuit+ more.

YT Video

If you're planning on reading this guide, maybe watch the accompanying YouTube video first or later. It will give you a comprehensive overview of what I hope to accomplish with this guide and help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. The guide will be updated over time, so it's important to keep that in mind, but the video will provide a solid foundation for what's to come. Do note 😅 I did speed up the video / I was an awk 🐟 recording it, but I still think that it is good overview and has many tips. Sorry for the awk video 😅.

Schedule a Meeting with Me

If you're interested in scheduling a meeting with me for resume review, private tutoring sessions, or interview preparation tips (behavioral, technical, etc.), I offer paid private sessions. If you have any questions before scheduling a meeting, feel free to join my Discord and message me there. For basic questions that don't require a private session, you can also post in my Discord and I'll be happy to help. Usually though the notion guide / substack should be enough!

Prefer to just DM me on Discord for a faster response!

30 min, $45 60 min, $80

30 mins is good for resume review and internship planning and study schedule.

60 mins is for like a more in depth, how to get into fang, what do you need to do, resume planning, study structure, negotiation tips, mock interview, so on.

If you pay for a slot but we go overtime, you don’t need to pay extra. I tend to go overtime, depending on the need so please have some buffer rooms for our meeting. For ex. sometimes people ask to cover multiple things in a session, as long is reasonable, I’ll let you know what is and not possible, I tend to do it. Nothing is confirmed until we email back and forth / linkedin / or discord with each other btw! So do highly prefer discord / linkedin / or if you use the zcal, Ill reach out by email for probably a faster way to chat and talk to schedule and understand more before we do the private session / consultation.